Harris Electrical
Harris Electrical deliver to selected UK locations within a 70 mile radius of E5 0RN, London. Where a customer resides outside of this postcode radius we recommend contacting the store on 0208 985 6388 or sales@harriselectricalltd.co.uk to discuss the delivery options.
Prices for all goods do not include delivery unless otherwise stated. All prices quoted include UK VAT at 20% where applicable. We reserve the right to refuse orders.
Harris Electrical will deliver all purchased goods within a window of 7 days. Harris Electrical will contact all customers immediately after a sale has been made to confirm the delivery details.
Washing Machine Installation – £30 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible plumbing and electrical services)
Built-in Washing Machine Installation – £115 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible plumbing and electrical services)
Any Washing Machine Disposal - £25
Tumble Dryer Installation – £30 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible electrical services)
Vented Tumble Dryer Installation – £30 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to an existing vent and electrical services)
Built-in Tumble Dryer Installation – £115 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible plumbing and electrical services)
Any Tumble Dryer Disposal - £25
Washer Dryer Installation – £30 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible plumbing and electrical services)
Built-in Washer Dryer Installation – £115 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible plumbing and electrical services)
Any Washer Dryer Disposal - £25
Non-plumbed American Fridge Freezer Installation - £15 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible electrical services)
Plumbed American Fridge Freezer Installation - £25 (Where a connection service has been requested, Please note that it is subject to compatible plumbing and electrical services)
American Fridge Freezer Door Removal - £50 (To fit Through doorways into property) T&C’s Apply
Refrigeration Installation - £15 (T&C’s Apply)
Built-in Refrigeration Installation - £115 (T&C’s Apply)
Any Refrigeration Disposal - £25
Dishwasher Installation – £30 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible plumbing and electrical services)
Built-in Dishwasher Installation – £115 (where a connection service has been requested, please note that it is subject to compatible plumbing and electrical services)
Any Dishwasher Disposal - £25
Dual Fuel Cooker Installation – £120 (Only available to existing official Gas connections, electrical fittings and for freestanding appliance only)
Gas Cooker Installation – £120 (Only available to existing official Gas connections and for freestanding appliance only)
Gas Cooker Disposal – £25 (We will only dispose of a gas cooker if installation is selected, unless already disconnected)
Electric Cooker Installation – £115 (only available to existing official electrical fittings and for freestanding appliance only)
Built-in Oven Installation – £115 (T&C’s Apply)
Built-in Hood Installation – £115 (We do NOT repair/do any making good to the wall where the hood is fitted, More T&C’s May Apply)
Gas Hob Installation – £120 (Only available to existing official Gas connections, More T&C’s May Apply)
Gas Hob Disposal – £25 (We will only dispose of a gas hob if installation is selected, unless already disconnected)
Electric Hob Installation – £115 (Only available to existing official electrical fittings, More T&C’s May Apply)
Any Cooking Appliance disposal – £25
Additional Cutout of worktop (excluding Stone) - £30
Built-in Mircowave Installation - £115
TV & Entertainment
Basic TV Installation - £40 (32” and below excludes wall mounting)
Basic TV Installation - £45 (40” and above excludes wall mounting)
TV Installation - £120 (32” and below includes wall mounting)
TV Installation - £125 (40” and above includes wall mounting)
All TV Disposal - £15
SoundBar Installation - £25 (excludes wall mounting)
Sound Bar Disposal - £10
Free delivery within M25 on orders over £300
Upstairs Delivery - £15